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Monday, July 25, 2011

Matopos National Park

Located in the southern African continent, Zimbabwe has over the years developed as a major world tourist destination. The country offers a variety of attractions ranging from national parks, waterfalls, historical sites, heritage monuments, to the stream. The country is also popular to introduce tourists to the natural landscape and to become home to a variety of formations varies geographically.The main attraction of this country including the...

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Elephantine Island

Many whole books have been written by many experts on elephants and their problems, and I will try to cover up the problem and possible solutions in just a few thousand words, so I hope that readers will forgive my rather broad brush strokes.I should point out that I am not a zoologist, I also do not hold qualifications related to the subject, but I have spent countless hours over the last twenty-eight years of studying elephants in both the field...

Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace is the London residence of British monarchy and is one of the most recognizable landmarks in London. The original house was commissioned by John Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham, in 1702. Queen Ann in 1703 awarded him the land at the corner of St James Park and Green Park. It became a royal residence when Buckingham House was sold to George III in 1762 for £ 28,000. He then turns into Buckingham Palace by George IV and his favorite...

Snow City Singapore

When they tell you it's not snow in Singapore, do not believe they are one hundred percent. Tell them Snow City in Singapore to provide snow for everyone in Singapore. This is the first permanent indoor snow in central Singapore, located in the western part of Singapore's sunny.Many in Singapore have never experienced cold weather, especially snow, because the lowest temperature ever recorded in Singapore was 19.4 ° C, and recorded way back in 1934....

The Grand Palace in Bangkok

The most famous landmark in Bangkok, "Grand Palace" was built in 1782, which is the residence of the King of Thailand, the Royal court and the administrative seat of government for 150 years. The palace complex and some impressive buildings are beautifully decorated with gold and glass which literally dazzle in the sun covering 218,400 square meters surrounded by walls built in 1783. The walls are 1900 meters long, which is situated government offices...

Alexandria, Egypt

The city which has spawned countless legends, trips to the city of Alexandria in Egypt is often a dream come true for most of us. Once the seat of a civilization that is currently one of civilization's most respected in the world, Alexandria is currently the second largest city of Egypt. Ancient port, Alexandria, in fact, often considered the city that connect Egypt to the world. Once an important center of trade, Alexandria is currently one of the...

Safari Zimbabwe

After 10 long years in the political cold, Zimbabwe tourism began to 'happen' again. At one point in the early to mid nineties, Zimbabwe is the place to go on vacation. Everyone can visit Zimbabwe bodied succeed their mission to go rafting on the Zambezi River. It was so popular it's almost a right cross to young adults.In the 10 years since Zimbabwe while falling from the tourist map, the world has changed but I am happy to report that it is important...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Giant Buddha Leshan

Eastern city of Leshan, Chengdu, is home to the Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Spot, named after the giant statue of Buddha. It is actually a statue of Maitreya, a Bodhisattva who represents the fat laughing brightness and happiness. It was included in the UNESCO World Heritage list in 1996. Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Spot full of historical sites and beautiful nature, with a giant Buddha became the most famous people. The best place to view the Leshan...

Friday, July 15, 2011

Lake Huron

Lake Huron is one of the more popular vacation destinations in the country. Looking for lodging, of course, is the trick during busy season.Finding Lodging at Lake HuronLake Huron is the third largest of the five U.S. Great Lakes. It is located between Michigan and Ontario provinces in Canada. One part of Lake Huron, Georgian Bay, is located entirely in Canada. This lake has more than 3,000 miles of coastline, and there are tons of different Lake...

The Stone Forest

Known as a place that is beyond time, a mysterious Stone Forest Markawasi gracefully rises 12,800 feet above the world on a ridge west of the Andes; lying at the base along the Pacific coast is the city of Lima, Peru. The emphasis of the ancient landscape of this mountain three miles long, a table of carved statues, including a replica of the human race curiosity of the unknown and the long-extinct animals. Among the stupa can be found confusing...

Sagarmatha National Park

Sagarmatha National Park adalah kawasan lindung di Himalaya timur Nepal mengandung bagian selatan Gunung Everest. Taman itu dibuat pada 19 Juli 1976 dan itu tertulis sebagai Situs Warisan Alam Dunia pada tahun 1979. Sagarmatha adalah sebuah kata Sansekerta, dari sagar = "langit" (tidak harus bingung dengan "laut / samudera") dan Matha = "kening" atau "kepala", dan adalah nama Nepal modern untuk Gunung Everest. Taman mencakup area seluas 1.148 km2...